The Knight Community Grant: Williamson’s Estate.

Williamson's Estate Community-Building Event

On Sunday the 27th October, residents from Williamson’s Estate came together to celebrate the spooky season with their Trick or Treat community-building event.

It was a dreary October afternoon but the rain certainly didn’t dampen the excitement, with kids from across the estate getting dressed up and running from house to house in the search of lollies.

Participating houses put out coloured balloons and decorations, and after the trick or treating was done, residents were able to get to know their neighbours while the kids tried their luck for even more candy with the pumpkin-piñata.

The event was part of The Knight’s community-building initiative where each year we award grants to committees wanting to improve the sense of community within their property.

Williamson’s Estate’s Trick or Treat event was our second Community Grant to be implemented this year (you can read more about the first one here) and all of the happy faces and jack-o’-lanterns full of sugar definitely proved it was a success!

About The Knight’s community-building grants.

Each year, we provide grants to committees looking to implement a community-building initiative at their property. Applications are open to all the properties that we manage.

At The Knight we strongly believe in the importance of building a community within an Owners Corporation. We are always pleased to see Committees taking ownership of their community and working hard to make their properties a more connected and harmonious place to live. Supporting these committees in these activities is something we are proud to do as Owners Corporation Managers.

Benefits of a strong community:

  • Strong social interaction makes people happier
  • Friendship
  • Increased well being for occupiers
  • Increased pride of the property
  • Reduction in tenant turnover
  • Increased property security

Be sure to keep an eye on our Facebook page and subscribe to our newsletter to find out when applications open for our 2020 grants.

Learn more >

Want some inspiration for your 2020 Community Grant Application?

Read more about our previous community events here.