Contact us
Please feel free to contact us in relation to any aspect of Owners Corporations, we would be pleased to assist.
Note – If you are a tenant, please first contact your rental agent with any enquiries.
03 9509 3144
PO Box 678, Malvern 3144
Level 1/204 Balaclava Road
Caulfield North Victoria 3161
1308/401 Docklands Drive
Docklands Victoria 3008
Level 1/27–31 Myers Street
Geelong Victoria 3220
General Enquiries
Please fill out the below form and the appropriate team member will be in contact within 72 hours.
If your enquiry is urgent in nature please call 95093144.
Feedback form
Your feedback and comments matter to us. Please provide us with your feedback by filling out the form below.