On the 11th of October at Pullman Melbourne, the CHU SCA (Vic) Symposium 2019 took place. The Symposium is designed to be one dedicated day in one easy location for those in the Strata Industry to stay informed on new laws, hot industry issues and current activities impacting Owners Corporations. Attendees had the chance to hear from knowledgeable, credible and reliable industry speakers including Consumer Affairs Victoria, Cladding Safety Victoria and the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
This years theme was Strata in Motion and focused on the increasing challenges, expanding liability and stretching boundaries professionals within the industry are facing.
With Strata taking it up a gear, it is up to us to keep the cogs turning. Critical to a smooth transition is that we broaden our awareness, enhance our understanding and support more efficient application of new processes.
Leading the way.
Macquarie Bank, Playmakers Consulting and The Knight.
This years’ event was of particular importance to The Knight, with key members of our leadership team taking part in a presentation alongside Playmakers Consulting and Macquarie Bank to discuss thought leadership in the Strata Industry, the SCA (Vic) Strata Workforce Competency Framework and The Knight’s participation in piloting the integration of this framework into our growing business.
In a time of so much change, it has never been more important that those working within the Strata Industry are fully competent and well-equipped to do their jobs and the SCA is working hard to support the industry in this goal.
This work has led to the creation of The Strata Workforce Competency Framework which is designed to outline and detail the key competencies required to perform successfully as Strata Managers and Assistants in the Strata Community Management sector.
The aim is to provide clear explanation of the skill sets expected and required of Strata Professionals and in turn to lift the standard of the industry by setting benchmarks and minimum expectations for those operating within it.
The Knight is proud to be piloting the Competency Framework within our business. Implementing this framework within our business is not only testament to our professionalism and customer focus, but also our dedication to raising the professionalism and customer-focus of the whole industry, for the benefit of all Owners.
Strata Industry Awards for Excellence.
At the conclusion of the event, the SCA recognised excellence within the industry over the past 12 months. The recognition was awarded over 9 categories, celebrating small to large Community Management businesses, Senior Community Managers and the Rising Stars and Support Team Members who help raise the standard and opinion of the strata industry, every day.
The Knight was given recognition in two categories, receiving the 2019 Victorian Award for Excellence for “Strata Community Management Business – Large” and also “Support Team Member” for our Acquisitions Coordinator, Mariah Whitefoot.
The past 12 months have been a period of immense growth and transformation here at The Knight, and we are so proud to have been recognised for our efforts in innovation, leadership and customer service through these awards.