Community Grants

Build a harmonious community in your OC.

At The Knight we encourage a sense of community in the properties we manage and the best way to do this is for residents to get to know more of their neighbours.

Whilst an Owners Corporation’s primary purpose is to manage and administer common property, we believe that an Owners Corporation can also assist with building a community.

To support this, The Knight offers grants to Owners Corporations to implement community building initiatives.

Past grant recipients >

Benefits of a strong community include:

  • Strong social interaction makes people happier
  • Friendship
  • Increased wellbeing for occupiers
  • Increased pride of the property
  • Reduction in tenant turnover
  • Increased property security

Some initiatives your OC could implement:

  • Community garden / gardening club
  • Recreational club (e.g. book, movie, painting, pottery, charity)
  • Health & Fitness activities (yoga, walking or running club, team sport)
  • Residents BBQ/picnic/potluck dinner
  • Residents party/celebration (Christmas in July, Halloween, Grand Final, Spring Racing)
  • Movie night
  • Board games evening
  • Wine tasting evening
  • Karaoke night

Apply for a community grant.

Our 2024 grants will open in August 2024. Be sure to follow on Facebook & Instagram to be notified when applications open.

In the meantime, below is some more information to get you thinking about the perfect community initiative.

What makes for a successful application?

  • An effective community building initiative will encourage residents from across the property to participate, ideally on a regular basis (i.e. Monthly Book Club) in order to form connections and friendships with fellow residents.
  • It will be appealing and accessible to a wide variety of people, not one age group or gender, and inclusive of tenants and owners alike.
  • Applications that demonstrate commitment from the Owners Corporation and property residents (i.e. petition) to continue with similar community building initiatives will be assessed favourably.
  • The initiative should use funds to get people together and facilitate interaction, communication & connection, rather than for purchases or repairs.
  • Initiatives which utilise the common property/facilities of the building, to increase pride in/enjoyment of these spaces, will be looked upon favourably.

See also:

Sustainability Grants >