Motion to be voted on:

Pursuant to section 52 of the Act, the OC is authorised to enter into a Funding Agreement and do all things necessary to give effect to the Funding Agreement, including to accept the Final Quote for the purchase and installation of the Eligible System.

Further information.

  • As set out in the Final Quote, the total amount for the purchase and installation of the solar PV system is $x. $x will be paid per participating lot/for lots
    [insert participating lots] and $x will be paid for lots [insert participating lots].
  • View Final Quote >
  • View ‘Solar for Apartments Program Round 1: Eligibility requirements and how to apply’ >
  • View Sample Funding Agreement >


  • Forms submitted after [closing date] will be ruled invalid
  • Votes will be tabulated according to the unit and proxies nominated by the voter in this form (regardless of any other units they own or proxies they hold).
  • Owners are advised that they have the right to appoint a proxy for this ballot. Download the proxy form here.
  • [OCM] is the returning Secretary for this ballot

Solar for Apartments – Funding Agreement Ballot.

If you have a separately titled carpark, also include that.
I/We the undersigned being a member of the above mentioned Owners Corporation vote as follows:
Sign below to confirm your vote
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