The Knight Community Grant: Guilfoyle Apartments

On December 9th, 2024, the residents of Guilfoyle Apartments hosted a BBQ in their common area. There was a fantastic turnout of 70 attendees from their community, what the committee said represented their largest gathering to date. Residents were able to socialise, connect with new people, and celebrate the close of 2024.

Every year, The Knight provides grants for Community and Sustainability initiatives, encouraging Owners Corporations to apply. In 2024, we teamed up with High Neighbour to offer successful applicants the chance to host an event, fully managed by High Neighbour, with consumables covered by The Knight.

Who are High Neighbour?

High Neighbour are the world’s first social enterprise dedicated to fostering vibrant communities in high-density residential buildings. They organise social gatherings tailored to residents’ individual interests (e.g. gardening, dog-walking, Easter egg hunts, team competitions).

They can offer the following support to Owners Corporations looking to strengthen their community:

  • Survey residents to understand their interests.
  • Plan events based on survey feedback.
  • Run activities throughout the year.
  • Facilitate residents’ groups (e.g. dog-walking, running)
  • Communicate with residents using existing building management platforms.

Learn more >

The benefits of building community at your property

Building a strong community within an Owners Corporation offers numerous benefits, including reduced levels of conflict, increased security, reduced tenant turnover, and improved resident well-being. While the primary focus of an Owners Corporation is managing common property, we also believe it can play an active role in fostering a strong community spirit, which promotes social interaction, reduces loneliness, and enhances residents’ happiness, health, and overall well-being.

How The Knight supports this >