An Evening with The Knight 2019

An Evening with The Knight 2019.

­­ On Wednesday 25th September we hosted our 3rd annual information evening, An Evening with The Knight. It was our largest event yet, with tickets selling out before the event and over 100 Committee Members and Owners coming down to the RACV City Club to spend an evening with us. If you missed out on

The Knight's Biggest Morning Tea event

The Knight’s 8th Annual Biggest Morning Tea.

Each year, The Knight hosts a Biggest Morning Tea in our Malvern office to raise funds for the Cancer Council and the great work they do supporting those affected by a cancer diagnosis. 2019 was our 8th year hosting the event and we set a fundraising target of $1000, aiming to beat our previous years

An Evening with The Knight

On Wednesday 24th October, over 80 Chairpersons and Committee members attended an information session hosted by The Knight which provided an update on non-compliant cladding and the effects on insurance policies, a presentation on the benefits of community building within apartment buildings and a talk on the preservation of personal information whilst online. The feedback we

Gregor Evans appointed as Board Director for Strata Community Association

The Knight’s Managing Director appointed as Board Director for Strata Community Association. The Knight team congratulates our Managing Director, Gregor Evans, for his recent appointment as a Director for Strata Community Association (SCA). SCA is the peak industry body for Owners Corporation Management in Australia and New Zealand. Strata Community Association